Importance of Interactive Video in Learning Strategy

 Making training with interactive video also means incorporating dynamic content and rethinking the types of learning materials used in different formats. Multimedia content, especially audio-video, offers a very interesting range of possibilities in this regard.

Indeed, currently available technologies make it possible to create dynamic, compelling videos and integrate playful activities with instant feedback. It is quite possible to format this type of content so that the people they consult seem concerned: add a statement with text that is addressed directly to the learner, an invitation to perform certain activities while watching a video, direct gaze filmed by people or lenses There are characters on the side that give the impression that the video addresses us, etc.

Interactive Video

What is Interactive Video?

Like its big sister the explanatory video, the interactive video is a set of real images or 2D synthesis carried by a text in the form of a voice-over and occasionally embellished with background music or sound effects. The whole is built from a scenario aiming to define, explain, demonstrate and present in images. This is for the common part between the two!

The characteristic of this newcomer is the interactivity it arouses in the user by leading him to act and make choices that will modify the linear scrolling of the video. So the user is free in his navigation and has the possibility of making a route adapted to his need for information.

Thus, he can access:

  • Clickable information zones or hot spots (active points) allowing him to open windows of information, text, photo, redirection to a site, suggestion of similar content, download of applications, etc.
  • Mini games allowing a gamified user experience. (Scores , quiz, drag and drop)
  • Advertisements overlaying the video or "shoppable" advertisements (see our article on the shoppable video)

Once this content has been viewed, the video will resume. So, the audience of interactive video, always active, is engaged with an interest and an attention unceasingly renewed by the multiple requests that it arouses.

But that's not all, with interactive video, it is possible to have statistical feedback on the performance of the video: discover the number of views, the number of impressions and conversions, the time spent, the location , mini game scores, leaderboards and more.

First of all, it can serve as a complementary educational resource. In this case, the video is the form that a teaching material takes that provides useful information for learning, just like a text document, a website or any other type of format. This practice is part of the development of a training course in which the teaching material is presented in a variety of ways.

In other cases, video is an integral part of the learning strategy. It can then be used to break the isolation that can be created by the dematerialization of training. In this regard, we can think of the Cégep à distance strategy where tutors carry out a synchronous introductory session via video in order to personalize their support approach. In other contexts, video can be used as an assessment tool during technical training (eg dance, first aid training, etc.). In this case, it is often more efficient to watch the video of a practical exercise to identify the gestures to be revised. This allows you to better assimilate the movements or techniques to be performed than to have a simple written description of the sequences.

A third interesting scenario is that of a training given synchronously but the video of which is recorded and subsequently put online. This allows people who could not attend the live broadcast to catch up or even those who need to review the course to do so at their own pace asynchronously.

Whether in initial or continuing training, interactive video will allow you to offer your learners organized and optimized content that they can easily access via a chaptered timeline.

Content organized in a personalized route

Thus, throughout the training course, the learner can open additional information in the form of videos, presentations, infographics, webpages, worksheets, etc. which are very easily accessible by touch or click . Its complements will enrich your training by making it accessible to a broader profile of learners and allow personalization of acquisitions. This possibility of personalizing the course from multiple grains of knowledge is established according to scenarios linked to the different profiles of learners that you have determined. In addition, the different passages of the learner in the video being memorized, he can view his progress and the training manager is constantly informed about the progress of each.

Gamified training

In addition, this support suggests gamified training. It ranges from a simple quiz to be completed after each granulation of content allowing learning to be monitored. But, it also offers a system of scores, competition gauges, drag and drop games, trophies, friendly competitions with the community of learners, etc. Thus, all these devices participate in optimizing the commitment of the learner throughout his training and in maximizing his performance within it.



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